20/21 PTA Elections – Executive Board Positions & School Leadership Team





President/ Co-Presidents (Mandatory Position)

  1. To oversee and coordinate all aspects of the PTA.
  2. To act as a liaison between Executive Board, general membership, principal and staff.
  3. To approve all notices distributed with PTA letterhead.
  4. The PTA president shall be a mandatory member of SLT.


Treasurer (Mandatory Position)

  1. To keep all financial records for the PTA including cash receipts and disbursements paid.
  2. To receive and deposit into the Association’s account(s) all monies of the Association and

keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures including invoices and deposit


  1. To pay out money when authorized by the membership and/or upon instruction from the



Recording Secretary/Co-Recording Secretary (Mandatory Position)

  1. To record minutes at Executive Board meetings and General Membership meetings.
  2. To keep accurate and permanent records of all minutes on school premises.
  3. To attach corresponding attendance record of each meeting’s minutes.


Vice President (Non-Mandatory Position)

  1. Will assume the responsibilities of the president or co-president(s) duties and support the

efforts of the PTA at the president’s or co-president’s request.


Chairperson/Co-Chairpersons of Fund Raising (Non-Mandatory Position)

  1. To oversee and coordinate all fund-raising events.
  2. Will recruit members from the Association to be on their committees.
  3. To act as liaison between committees, president and school administration with respect to

fund raising issues/activities.

  1. To confer with all chairpersons before each event, to set date of function, to confirm the

distribution of initial and reminder notices by the chairperson.


Chairperson of Membership (Non-Mandatory Position)

  1. To coordinate annual memberships drives and collect membership and record membership



Chairperson of Programming/Co-Chairpersons of Programming (Non-Mandatory Position)

  1. To coordinate booking of school-wide programs.

Corresponding Secretary/Co-Corresponding Secretaries (Non-Mandatory Position)

  1. To conduct all correspondence of the Association.


Financial Secretary

  1. To collect and account for all monies earned through fund raising events, donated, or

otherwise designated as for this association.

  1. To collect and count money from chairpersons and issue receipts.
  2. To transfer money to Treasurer and obtain receipt.
  3. To obtain financial summary from each chairperson.


School Leadership Team Member (SLT)

  1. Will participate in collaboration with other parents, educational staff and administrators for

the purpose of creating the school’s Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP), including annual

goals, objectives and development of school-based budget.

  1. The term of office shall be for two (2) years.


If you’re interested in any of the above positions, please send an email with the following information to [email protected] by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9th 5:00pm


Your full name

Childs Name

Childs Class

Position you would like to fill


Nominations will close on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9th 5:00pm


Thank you,


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