On behalf of the 5th grade activities committee, we would like to announce that the 2022 yearbook is ready to collect pictures from all the 5th grade families!
The yearbook is collecting the following photos:
⦁ 1 baby photo of graduating 5th grader
⦁ *Photos of students during various school wide events from Pre-K through 4th grade.
*Photos from Pre-K forward should feature your graduating 5th grader during school events from the past, i.e., International Food Fair, Fall Family Fun night, etc. If you are new to the school, feel free to upload pictures of your child at events from their prior school. We want all graduates to be featured! For the students’ 4th grade year, feel free to upload pictures of the student’s favorite remote activity if they were remote and/or school related photos if you have them.
All pictures will be uploaded directly to the yearbook. Please see instructions below:
⦁ Visit:
⦁ Click or tap “Create an Account (Free)”
⦁ Search for our school: Enter P.S. 221 North Hills (Code: School ID # 703125) click continue
⦁ Fill in required information: your role is: parent
⦁ TIP: Choose a password that is easy to remember. You will receive an email to verify your log in info.
⦁ Start uploading pictures today!
Fill in as many details as you have per photo; please write your child’s name and grade/year taken. Make sure you select the correct FOLDER (baby photos per class [ONLY 1 BABY PICTURE], 1st grade memories, 2nd grade memories,
Ballroom Dancing, etc). You can upload up to 30 pictures.
Once you upload your child’s baby photo and school related photos. You may then purchase a Recognition Ad. The Recognition Ad is a wonderful way to showcase your graduate in the yearbook. You can draft a special message to your graduate and upload any photos you wish to highlight your graduating 5th grader. Recognition Ads come in 4 different sizes and friends and family can also purchase Recognition Ads for your graduate. They are a great way to send your child a personal message and well wishes from yourselves and your family and friends!
If you need help with uploading contact the Pictavo helpdesk at 1-800-290-0036 or email: [email protected]
Deadline to upload all photos is 12/31/2021.
Deadline for Recognition ads is 02/01/2022
Please email all questions and feedback to: [email protected]